I didn't want to leave you into 2010 without wishing you a pleasant turn of the year.
2009 was a great year for me as I played great festival and club shows, had some nice releases and met loads of nice people. I really dig traveling and hope I will be able to continue traveling with my music in 2010!
Fat and Ugly is a dj I met when I played at the Crooked party in Cologne. You probably know him already from his remixes, posted on lots of blogs. Now Fat and Ugly and me want you to have his remix of my song Couch Potato:
EMMA – Couch Potato (Fat and Ugly Remix)
Hopefully it accompanies you while celebrating a few days off, see you in 2010!
Hey. Hab euch heute in Bochum gesehen und ich hoffe, es passt hier hin, wenn ich sage, ihr wart klasse.
AntwortenLöschenIch wusste gar nicht, dass es so feine Musik aus Essen gibt. Weiter so!
Danke dir! Das passt überall hin :) Freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat, bis bald.